compile - meaning and definition. What is compile
Online Dictionary

What (who) is compile - definition

COMPILE; Compile (game developer); Compile (developer); Compile Ltd; Aiky; Compile (software company); Compile (publisher)

  • Compiler design
  • grammar for C]], respectively.
·vt To contain or comprise.
II. Compile ·vt To Write; to Compose.
III. Compile ·vt To put together; to Construct; to Build.
IV. Compile ·vt To put together in a new form out of materials already existing; ·esp., to put together or compose out of materials from other books or documents.
  • Compiler design
  • grammar for C]], respectively.
v. a.
Write (by selecting from other works), prepare, compose, draw up, get up.
Select and arrange, collect together, combine.
  • Compiler design
  • grammar for C]], respectively.
v. (D; tr.) to compile from (to compile a dictionary from various sources)


Compile (company)

Compile Corporation (株式会社コンパイル, Kabushikigaisha Konpairu) was a Japanese video game developer, most notable for having developed the Puyo Puyo series, a franchise derived from the Madō Monogatari series. On 6 November 2003, the company shut down amid bankruptcy. As a result, key staff moved to Compile Heart, the company's spiritual successor, whereas shoot-'em-up staff moved to MileStone Inc.

The Compile trademark is being used as a brand label by Compile Heart to promote merchandise and games based on Compile properties. As of 2010, Compile Heart entered into a licensing deal with D4 Enterprise to create new video games based on franchises from Compile properties. This agreement does not affect the rights to the Puyo Puyo series as Sega retains ownership of the property.

In April 2016, Niitani started a new successor company to Compile, Compile Maru. The company launched the game Nyoki Nyoki: Tabidachi Hen for Nintendo 3DS on the Nintendo eShop with a follow-up scheduled for Nintendo Switch.

Pronunciation examples for compile
1. or compile this book.
At My Pace - Ordinary Women Tell Their Extraordinary Stories _ Jill Ebstein _ Talks at Google
2. that one might compile.
Consent of the Networked _ Rebecca MacKinnon _ Talks at Google
3. And when you compile those all together,
Game of Thrones Map Maker _ Jonathan Roberts _ Talks at Google
4. wide when you compile them in photo.
Game of Thrones Map Maker _ Jonathan Roberts _ Talks at Google
5. algorithm that they use to compile it
The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep and Didn't Need To _ DC Pierson _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of compile
1. Maybe we‘ll be able to compile a lexicon of noninvective.
2. The state did not compile that information for two inmates.
3. The transcripts were used to compile the minutes.
4. Inspectors will compile 350 "home condition reports" for the packs.
5. Xie said his agency had yet to compile figures for the first half of this year.